African Yoga Safari / Kruger Conservation Area March 16 – 24

An exquisite chance to work with Master Teachers in the…

Hong Kong October 26 – November 14th

Please do join Dylan for reunion! Tell a friend who might…

Turkey October 8-14th

Experience the art of Ashtanga Yoga in the picturesque…

Prague September 16-29th

Dylan Bernstein in SHALA Prague

Plzeň September 14-15th

Dylan Bernstein in Yoga Shala Plzeň

Regensburg September 4-8th

5 Tage Dylan Bernstein: let´s do it again. Honored to host…

Las Vegas June 10-27th

Breaking down the mysteries and wonders of Ashtanga yoga…

Saigon April 26-28th

Xin Chao Dylan Bernstein! Dylan comes back to Saigon for 3…